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GSM Isolator to prevent monitoring of your geolocation
The main functions and characteristics
GSM Isolator to prevent monitoring of your location
How to prevent detection of your location via your gsm number?
It is no secret that cellular operator and government agencies can easily calculate your GSM number location by the method of triangulation. Read more here
To prevent this, use GSM Isolator. The system consists of 2 GSM modules interconnected internal link. In each module is inserted on one SIM card: one your regular card number is well known your friends and colleagues, and the second one "technical card", the number of which no one knows except you.
When your main card receives a call, a system automatically switches it to the second technical SIM number via internal digital link inside of gateway, and it resends a call to your mobile phone.
That's why the operator or the caller does not know your mobile number and the technical SIM number through which the call was made.
That's why the operator or the caller does not know your mobile number and the technical SIM number through which the call was made.
Thus, no one unable to define your real number in your mobile phone, and therefore your location can not be tracked
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